New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

STickynote stressSmallDo you make a resolution on New Year’s Eve? If so, you’re in good company! Forty five percent of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions, and there are a few repeat offenders every January first!

Some of the most popular resolutions are  “learn something exciting” –  and the most popular is of course  “lose weight”

How do you take New Year’s resolutions and make them successful? Let’s look at the #1 resolution: lose weight:


  • Make it specific – I want to lose 20 pounds.
  • Make it timed – I want to lose five pounds by March 31, five more by June 30, five more by September 30, and five more by December 31.
  • Make it attainable – I want to lose five pounds by March 31, and I’ll do that by walking for 30 minutes a day, four days a week and drinking a healthy shake for breakfast for breakfast each morning.
  • Make it flexible – This part happens on-the-fly. Maybe you hurt your knee in February. You might be off of your feet and unable to hit your goal. You can be flexible by adjusting your goal for the year or trying to make up the lost time by exercising more once you’re on your feet again. Flexibility stops real life problems from standing in your way and from letting small hiccups derail your whole plan.