Lifestyle Medicine Matters

Lifestyle Medicine Matters

Lifestyle medicine is what my focus is going to be in 2018. When I was in medical School I didn’t receive any training in lifestyle assessment and change. I would talk about risk factors for disease, but never had the time or expertise to provide clear guidance on how to effectively reduce  the risk I so freely talked about. This was a missed an opportunity and the reason I now focus on personalized lifestyle assessment and coaching.

My focus for 2018 is to support individuals to make huge strides in their health outcomes with a new model of lifestyle coaching.

CLICK HERE to learn more.

So many of our health problems can be greatly resolved simply by deciding what to eat, how to manage stress, how to improve sleep quality and how to move our bodies (to name a few), This is the core of lifestyle medicine. Hippocrates, The father of modern medicine said, ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’

My vision for my professional work has been “to change the focus of healthcare to creating health” and the truth us, this will  result in lower costs, improved outcomes and enhanced well-being. It’s all about lifestyle. This includes what we eat, how we move, the quality of our sleep, hoe we manage stress, our support systems and

Simply knowing that one has an increased disease risk is not enough to change behavior. Recent research suggests that it is not. Though knowledge may be power, it often takes more than awareness of risk for us to make meaningful lifestyle changes.

I love to create tailored lifestyle prescriptions that are personalized for each client.

I am now doing private  phone sessions to help you set your lifestyle plan. CLICK HERE to book a session and set YOUR lifestyle plan for 2018.