What Is Your Resilience Story? – The Secret Power of Stress PODCAST EPISODE 2

What Is Your Resilience Story? – The Secret Power of Stress PODCAST EPISODE 2

What is your  resilience story? We all have challenges that shape our character and help us grow. The past few months have tested our resilience. I believe we are hardwired to not only recover from adversity, but also grow and transform. In this Podcast I talk about sharing your Resilience Story.

I have completed Joel Bennett’s certification training in “Resilience and Thriving- The Secret Power of Stress”.

I am now offering this program to organizations, health coaches and healthcare providers that want to learn to reframe the experience of stress and respond to it in a way that helps them thrive.

Joel’s book Raw Coping Power-From Stress to Thriving is a great resource to learn to tap into our inherent capacity to transform stress into strength.

I was very drawn to the concept of “Resilience” and how we can learn to access it in times of major stress and change in our lives.

A word of caution. I am not a mental health provider. If these concepts “trigger” you to a new awareness of your coping style or feelings of grief and loss, please seek professional help.

What Is Your Resilience Story? - PODCAST EPISODE 2What Is Resilience?

In his book Raw Coping Power-From Stress to Thriving, Joel Bennett defines resilience this way:

“The ability to recover from adversity, bounce back to a normal or higher level of functioning, and also learn from having gone through the experience of adversity.”

We all have our own resilience story. One of the exercises in the Resilience and Thriving- The Secret Power of Stress Program is to write your own resilience story.

Are you ready to do that? It is very empowering. It is a great way to tap into your own resilience journey.

Your Resilience Story

We all have challenges that shape our character and make us stronger. We see it everyday.

  • The front line workers who rise above exhaustion to help other.
  • The firefighters who battle raging fires while they are exhausted.
  • The new mom taking care of her baby through the long night.

Questions to Explore

  • Is there a story of resilience that inspires you?
  • What challenges have you faced that have helped you draw on your inner strength?

CLICK HERE for my FREE EBOOK on Mental Well-Being and Resilience: A Self-Care Guide

This is Episode 2 in my series on Resilience and Thriving: The Secret Power of Stress.

Listen to  Episode 1 HERE