My Detox Experience

My Detox Experience
My detox experience was full of all kinds of healing therapies, amazing food and 5 star accommodations. It is a medically supervised 7-day Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program at Sanoviv Functional Medicine Institute. The diet consists of whole foods, green juices, cleansing shakes, wheat grass juice, and supplements to stimulate detoxification and overall wellness. Did you follow me on social media? I had a “digital detox” from work, but wanted to share my experience in real time with quick photos and updates each day. If you’ve ever wanted to be supported in a safe, effective, medically supervised, holistic detoxification, I HIGHLY recommend Sanoviv. There is a SPECIAL right now on this program that I did. You can do the Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program at the regular price, and can take a companion to do the same program at half price! You’ll stay in an ocean-view room, receive all kinds of healing therapies, eat amazing food, be supported by western and eastern medicine and learn many new things. CLICK HERE to learn the details of my specific 7-day Detoxification and Rejuvenation Program. If you want to ask more specific questions, you could email Bill Mansell at [email protected].

My  Detox Experience Re entry Plan

I received a Home Program that guides me on implementing the new recommended changes to my daily life . It also provides 3 months of  contact with my health team through our After Care program. I set my home action items before leaving Sanoviv because I know how busy my life becomes after being away for a week. I wrote them out and am sharing them below.

My Detox Experience and "Re entry" PlanMy Top Ten Action Steps Now!

Here are my TOP TEN steps post Sanoviv. (Now I am really being accountable by sharing this list with you!)
  1. Drink at least 80 ounces of water every day
  2. Lemon water every morning
  3. Use Chi Machine Daily
  4. Use electrolytes in my water . CLICK HERE for the one I use
  5. Make broccoli sprouts
  6. Make infused water drinks
  7. 3 Brazil Nuts a day
  8. Follow LIVER SUPPORT food list
  9. Take 4 Hepasil A Day CLICK HERE to learn about this liver support supplement
  10. Follow 5 Rules of Leptin
    1. Never eat after dinner
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Do not eat large meals
    4. Eat breakfast containing protein
    5. Reduce amount of carbs

Lyme Disease Program

Lyme disease and other chronic infectious diseases affect millions of people with numbers increasing every day. At Sanoviv, the team of medical professionals will work to get to the root cause of your health issues and heal you from the inside out. They take a whole-body approach to your wellness. They offer many complementary treatments, under one roof, so you’re not having to chase doctors from one place to another. CLICK HERE to review the world-class Lyme Disease Program

Want More Information?

If you want to ask more specific questions, you could email Bill Mansell at [email protected]. He is the person I talk to and refer people to when they want to know more details. You can discuss with him any questions you have and gather information about programs offered. Let him know I referred you.


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