With all of the technological advancements, vaccines and education system in the great country of the United States of America, you would think we would have the longest life expectancy.
Sadly, we don’t.
A new report suggests that life expectancy is rising among other countries in the world as of 2011. The latest study suggests that a lifespan could be determined by the country on where a person lives. There are other factors too that include diet, disease and habits.
In 2010, America was ranked 29th for the longest life expectancy for people, that was in 1999. New reports now have America ranked at 49th with an average life expectancy at 78.3. Although the numbers are slipping, it is still a high average when compared to other regions.
2. Andorra
3. Japan
4. Singapore
5. Hong Kong
6. Australia
7. Canada
8. France
9. Sweden
10. Switzerland