Always eat breakfast before 10am. Try to eat your lunch before noon and evening meal before 6 p.m.
- Avoid coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Coffee and tea act as stimulants and interrupt sleep pattern. Herbal tea is acceptable because it does not contain caffeine.
- Eat within one hour of waking. Fasting is hard on the adrenal glands so minimize time overnight fasting.
- Sprinkle sea salt liberally on food to taste provided blood pressure is normal. Foods high in potassium such as banana can make the adrenals worse and should be avoided.
- Adopt a whole food organic diet, devoid refined grains and all processed food, such as breads, pastas, and rice cakes and crackers.
- Avoid high starchy foods, such as white rice and white potatoes.
- Avoid high sugar fruits and all juices, especially at breakfast.
- Eat wild-caught seafood at least 3X weekly or taking a high quality mercury-free fish oil supplement.
- Eat foods rich in adrenal-supportive nutrients, such as Organic 85% dark chocolate, leafy greens, nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds, flax and chia seeds, and organic grass-fed animal proteins.
- Combine protein and fat at every meal and snack. This will ensure sustained energy is available at and between meals. Avoid eating only fruit or carbohydrates alone as this may cause blood sugar instability. Upping your total fat intake with olive oil, coconut, and avocado may also help.
Thanks to Dr. Jill Carnahan for this list. She uses functional medicine to help you find answers to the cause of your illness and addresses the biochemical imbalances that may be making you feel ill.