Snacking safely at night is one of my challenges. So I have created a list of my favorite low glycemic snacks. Hope you enjoy it and it helps you stay on track with your health goals!
Dr Karen’s Top 10 Low Glycemic Snacks
1. Yogurt: Buy low-fat or nonfat, no-sugar added. I love plain Greek yogurt. Organic yogurts with “live cultures” are healthiest.
2. Nuts: An ideal combination of unsaturated fat, protein and carbs. Nuts are portable and nutritious. Buy raw unsalted nuts or peanuts in the shell; average size is a “handful,” about 200 calories, depending on the variety.
3. Hummus: Two tablespoons of hummus with cut-up crunchy veggies.
4. Cheese: Low-fat varieties. Read the label; the first ingredient should be skim milk.
5. Peanut Butter and Celery: One or two celery stalks and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
6. Fruit: Whole fruit including berries, melon, apples, oranges and grapefruit have the most fiber and fewest grams of carbohydrate per serving. Eat along with some nonfat yogurt, low-fat cheese, or a handful of nuts.
7. Spaghetti Squash and Goat Cheese: Baked spaghetti squash and organic tomato sauce topped with crumbled goat cheese make a great snack.
8. Cottage Cheese: One half cup cottage cheese and ½ sliced banana.
9. Eggplant and Goat Cheese: One tablespoon soft goat cheese (low or nonfat) on eggplant.
10. Low Glycemic Snack Bar – I always have a healthy snack bar available that has good protein, healthy fats and low glycemic carbohydrates to hold my hunger and keep my energy.
This is an excerpt from my new book to be released April 2013! Is Your Lifestyle Killing You ?- The Low Glycemic Lifestyle Solution to Change Your Body and Change Your Life!
The Low Glycemic Lifestyle Solution outlines an eight step plan that succeeds where other weight management programs fail because it identifies the psychological, physical and lifestyle causes of weight problems – such as the powerful role of brain biochemistry in food cravings – and offers a solution for each. This book is a science –based breakthrough program for weight loss (with a side effect of disease prevention) that does not require deprivation. Dr Wolfe uses this in her coaching work with clients and has great success. Until we understand the whole truth about obesity and weight gain, we will never solve the obesity epidemic. You can change your body, and your life.