Perhaps There is Something More……. PART 1

Perhaps There is Something More……. PART 1

Perhaps There is Something MorePerhaps there is something more for us in store that is a better version than the “BC” (Before Corona Virus) version.

I don’t know about you, but I am determined to come out of this a better version of myself. I do know this will be the only way I can make sense of this time. This is what I want to spend this week focused on.

Literally with little warning life as we knew it stopped for the entire world.

Although everyone is not on ‘lock down’ many are prevented from freely moving about, stores closed, business stopped for most, schooling changed.

Perhaps there is something more…

There is so much I want to share about this topic, I will walk through the topic sharing my process.

After having a bit of a “melt down” on my birthday, I came out of that with a renewed commitment to become a better version of myself in mind, body and spirit. perhaps if I share my journey, it will spark something in you that is helpful at this most unsettling and confusing time.

I choose to turn this pandemic into a space that sets the tone for me to live life  with intention.

I am going to start with the questions I am asking myself.

  • What am I learning?
  • What are my emotions revealing to me?
  • What do I need to let go of?
  • How can I be my BEST SELF at this time?
  • Are my actions in alignment with my beliefs?
  • How can I be more loving?

A place I am going to start to ponder these questions is to read this poem daily.

The poem called  For the interim time –  by John O’Donohue

Here are 2 sections of the poem that particularly speak to this “interim time” we are living in.

No place looks like itself, loss of outline

    Makes everything look strangely in-between,

    Unsure of what has been, or what might come.


What is being transfigured here is your mind

    And it is difficult and slow to become new.

    The more faithfully you can endure here,

    The more refined your heart will become

    For your arrival in the new dawn.

– John O Donohue

CLICK HERE for PART 2 of  Maybe There Is  Something More