I Just Couldn’t Lose Weight

I Just Couldn’t Lose Weight

I Just Couldn't Lose WeightOur bad habits can sabotage our efforts to live the life we desire—a life full of health and happiness.

Brenda is a person who really understood the transformation needed in her lifestyle and she was delighted to share her story here.

“I woke up on the last Tuesday morning in April and said to myself I was either going to accept where I was and know that I would probably die an obese person going into a size 4 X and then 5X or I would do whatever I had to do to regain my life and my health.

That very day I talked with Dr. Karen and I started the program on Thursday, May 6, 2010.

During the next four months, I shed 45 pounds of fat. I felt unbelievably wonderful. As each day passed, I felt better and better.

Knowing what I know now, I understand how much abuse my body had endured with the unhealthy lifestyle I had accepted and lived. I had convinced myself that I  just couldn‘t lose weight and the sabotaging behaviors and destructive lifestyle continued.

What I Didn’t Know

What I didn‘t know at the time was that

  • I was insulin resistant
  • I was sugar sensitive

How I Broke My Sabotaging Behaviors

I learned the science behind glycemic stress and carb addiction. Through webinars, education, and support I learned how to care for my body by incorporating low-glycemic eating, drinking lots of good water, and supporting my cells with good supplements. I was being restored mentally and physically.”