Food Addiction PART 1 – Hand Over the Chocolate and Nobody Gets Hurt

Food Addiction PART 1 – Hand Over the Chocolate and Nobody Gets Hurt

stress eatingHalloween is over, but not the cravings! Do you  notice the more chocolate (or other sugary treats) you eat, the more you want? Sugar addiction is real. Not many people are talking about it, but you may be struggling with an addiction that science has finally proved every bit as powerful and a painful as addiction to cocaine, alcohol, or nicotine.And every bit as hard to break as serious gambling.

All of these substances and experiences trigger a release of dopamine, a brain chemical that makes us feel a brief burst of pleasure and satisfaction. Repeat the pattern often enough and you might find yourself desperately searching for your next “hit”.

Repeated exposure to all of these substances and experiences has the power to physically alter the neural structure and chemistry of our brains.

Some people with food addiction are thin, but desperately trying to keep their cravings at bay.

Join me tomorrow for PART 2 when I share – Why Eat Less and Move More is Not Enough