Do You Have a Holiday Food Hangover?

Do You Have a Holiday Food Hangover?

The average American gains about 1 pound between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, according to a Tufts University study. And if you’re overweight or obese, then that number can exceed 5 pounds.

Even worse, “people don’t generally lose the weight they put on,” says Betty Kovacs, M.S., R.D., codirector of the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center’s weight-loss program. “Those pounds just accumulate over the years.”

That means much of the weight you gain as the years pass can be blamed on holiday cocktails and candy bowls.

In a recent Temple University study, obese people who cut back on carbohydrates found themselves less likely to crave sweets and other high-carb foods. Avoiding such fare can also make you feel less bothered or distracted by hunger, researchers found.

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