Do dog or cat owners live longer? If you want to live a longer and happier, consider adopting a pet.
Science shows pet owners are reaping an impressive number of health benefits. These include reduced risk for heart attack and stroke, lower levels of pain, better immune function—and yes, improved longevity!
A large recent Swedish study found that dog owners have a lower risk of death from all causes. Especially those who live without the company of other humans. The conclusion of the study in 2017 was that dog ownership appears to be associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease in single-person households and lower mortality in the general population.
That said, if stress and anxiety are your primary concern, you might opt for a cat because cats appear to be better stress-reducers. A 10 year study of more than 4,000 Americans by researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Stroke Institute in Minneapolis found that owning a cat could reduce your risk of a heart attack by nearly one third. The finding provoked a mixed reaction from heart experts and veterinarians. CLICK HERE FOR THAT STUDY