A Must Read Based on a True Story
Based on a true story of a traveler stranded on a remote island, Wish You Were Here is the first book I have read that tries to make sense of how all of our lives and dreams and sense of life changed with the pandemic. I applaud Jodi Picoult for how she was able to capture the details and accuracy of what it was like to be a medical professional during the pandemic. She has not shied away from writing about an uncomfortable subject. This novel contains graphic accounts of people with Covid-19 as well as its wider consequences. It considers the grief and loss, both personal and collective, experienced by many during the pandemic. It brought back vivid memories of those early days of the pandemic when uncertainty was high.
Autobiographical Anecdotes
In the interview with Jodi Picoult at the back of the book, Jodi explains how the pandemic rocked her world. She felt adrift in her life and suddenly had no control over anything. Writing the book was a therapeutic way of freeing herself from her own paralysis.
The Author’s Note at the end details the intense research that she undertook in order to portray experiences by inviting survivors who had been on vents to share their experiences. Overwhelmingly, people experienced incredibly vivid, detailed dream states.
A Must Read Book Coming to Netflix