March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Many of you know how passionate I am about teaching about gut health and the colon!
It is the third most common cancer in the United States and it affects people in all racial and ethnic groups and is most often found in people age 50 and older.
The good news? If everyone age 50 and older were screened regularly, 6 out of 10 deaths from colon cancer could be prevented. Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to encourage people to get screened.
Studies show that certain factors can make your risk of colorectal cancer higher and others can make it lower.
Factors that can lower your risk of colorectal cancer include:
colorectal cancer screening
maintaining a healthy weight
regular use of aspirin and NSAID’s (which stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug)
regular, vigorous exercise (all activities that cause sweating and heavy breathing)
a diet high in vegetables
Factors that can make your risk of colorectal cancer higher include:
close relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, or children) who have had colorectal cancer
history of colorectal polyps
cigarette smoking
inactive lifestyle