# 5 of 8 Everyday Chemicals That Could Be Messing with your Health – Pesticides

# 5 of 8 Everyday Chemicals That Could Be Messing with your Health – Pesticides

Pesticides have a bad habit of not staying put. In fact, atrazine, a common chemical weed killer used heavily in the Midwest, on Southern sugar cane farms, and on golf courses, has been detected in tap water. Its widespread use is not good news for couples trying to conceive, since it and other pesticides have been linked to miscarriage and infertility.

Found in: Residential and farming pest-killing products.

Protect yourself: Buy and grow organic and use organic lawn-care tips. If you live near a nonorganic golf course, orchard, or farm, consider installing water filters certified to remove pesticides.

From www.rodale.com