I Just Couldn’t Lose Weight

Our bad habits can sabotage our efforts to live the life we desire—a life full of health and happiness. Brenda is a person who really understood the transformation needed in her lifestyle and she was delighted to share her story here. “I woke up on the last Tuesday morning in April and said to myself […]

I Have Added Years to My Life

Vic was the first one to try the 5 Day Sugar Cleanse. Here is his story, told in his own words…. “At 54, my doctor first talked about a pre-diabetic result in my annual blood test and I understood that my health was not headed in the right direction. I started with the five day […]

Devilled Eggs Recipe Made Easy

My Devilled eggs recipe made easy is SUPER easy! 15 minutes to make. They are perfect as appetizers for any party, or as a side dish for potlucks and picnics and as a high protein, low carbohydrate snack. I made them for the first time today and I am amazed how easy they are (and […]

Want to Try Intermittent Fasting?

Want to try Intermittent Fasting? I am sure you have heard the term as it has become as popular lately as the keto diet! I decided to try it and I started it last week and want to share my experience. What Is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between […]

The Obesity Code – Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss

The Obesity Code is a great book. I wanted to review the key concepts here. The subtitle is “Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss”. Jason Fung, MD does a great job explaining how weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones and only understanding the effects of insulin and insulin resistance can we achieve lasting […]

New Directions in Cancer Treatment – Curcumin

I am attending a Physician Symposium at Sanoviv Medical Institute on Integrative Oncology and amazed at the advances in personalized cancer treatment. I will be sharing some of my insights to open the door of awareness of what is possible and perhaps help with questions to ask if you are seeking an integrative approach. One […]

Is Your Thyroid Working Properly?

Is your thyroid working properly? The American Thyroid Association (ATA) estimates that 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disease—60% of whom aren’t diagnosed. Also, women are 5 to 8 times more likely to have problems than men. It is  a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your throat and may […]

The Secret to Snacking with Vegetables

The secret to snacking with vegetables is BE PREPARED! I live a low glycemic lifestyle and in the video below I have taken vegetables from my own refrigerator and show you my secrets to snacking with vegetables. All these vegetables in this video are unlimited on my Sugar Buster Program. Even during the first 5 days […]

Releasing Weight and Cravings by Busting Sugar

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM4t6ZjX_Sg”]If you  are feeling tired or listless during the day, maybe slightly overweight, or have a harried schedule and irregular eating schedules, you  might have high blood sugar cycles, and could be susceptible to type 2 diabetes. A good plan is to do a cleanse that stabilizes your blood sugar RESET is for ANYONE who: Is a slave […]