Dr Karen Health Talks Podcast – How to Make Fermented Foods 101

Fermented foods have a lot of health benefits. They are rich in enzymes, which help speed up digestion and absorption in our system. They are also rich in good bacteria, specifically lactobacillus acidophilus, which is an extremely beneficial flora found in the gut.

Constipation 101

We are not really taught about the importance of the gut and whether your digestive system is working properly. Some people have been constipated for 10 years and are dependent on laxatives. If you continue this trend, you can have further consequences. Some people are suffering from the effects of constipation and don’t know any […]

10 Things You Need To Know to Keep Your Gut Happy and Healthy

Age 45 is the New 50 for Colonoscopy Screenings

Whether we realize it or not, every one of us has an individually unique microbial eco-system in and on us, a “microbiome,” which is home to more than 100 trillion microbes. Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it? In fact, that outnumbers our human cells by roughly ten to one. And what are all those microbes […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Through Your Gut

A healthy gut is needed for a a healthy brain. Your brain’s health is dictated by what goes on in your gut. What’s taking place in your intestines affects not only your brain’s daily functions, but also determines your risk for a number of neurological conditions in the future. The gut’s brain makes more serotonin […]

Top Ten Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Would you like to know the top ten reasons there might be a barrier to your efforts at releasing weight. For a long time, and even still a main focus, people taught us that releasing weight was all about calories in versus calories out. Well, guess what, that is not true. It turns out that […]

Got Digestion Issues? – Avoid these Foods

Got digestion issues? It is estimated that up to 70 million Americans suffer from some form of digestive issue – ranging from chronic constipation to serious and even life-threatening conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. And while digestive issues can stem from a wide variety of causes, there’s one factor quite often overlooked – CARBOHYDRATES. I […]

Gut Matters PART 2 – AVOID This to Optimize Your Gut Health

Approximately 80 percent of your immune system is located in your gut. Most people do not consider the gut an important factor and in building your immunity to illness. Balancing your gut microflora is an essential element of good health. A robust immune system is your number one defense against ALL disease, from the common […]

Gut Matters PART 1 – Your Gut Bacteria are Keeping You Healthy

Beneficial bacteria, better known as probiotics, along with a host of other microorganisms, are crucial to your health. For example, we now know that your gut bacteria  influence your: Genetic expression Immune system Brain development, mental health, and memory Weight, and Risk of numerous chronic and acute diseases, from diabetes to cancer According to the featured […]