A Must Read Book for 2022

A must read book for 2022 takes us to the Galápagos Islands, where Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was formed, and to  2020 Manhattan in the grip of the pandemic. The contrast of these two worlds is so much part of so many of our lives. The push/pull  (or Ying/Yang) of life is […]

Making Kindness Contagious Now!

Making Kindness Contagious now is my new idea for a positive pandemic! Little did I know that I am not the only one thinking about this! The “Make Kindness Contagious” theme was first introduced in 2004, when an Anaheim City -Council member was inspired by Natasha Sarah Jaievsky, a young Anaheim resident who sought to […]

Is Vitamin D Important During this Pandemic?

Is Vitamin D Important During this Pandemic? Firstly, it is NOT my role to diagnose, treat or give you medical information. My role as a health coach is to education on the role of lifestyle in supporting optimal health. It is with this purpose, that I share credible research on the role that vitamin D […]

Where is Our Psychological First Aid?- PODCAST

Where Is Our Psychological First Aid? I first learned of this term at the National Wellness Conference. Tramaine EL-Amin was a keynote speaker. She is the Assistant Vice-President of Strategic Initiatives National Council for Behavioral Health. Her talk was titled ” Mental Wellbeing: Always Important, Now Essential”‘ I was really drawn to the term “Mental […]

Mental Well-Being, Health Anxiety and the Pandemic

Mental WellBeing, Health anxiety and the pandemic is a topic worth paying close attention to. Worries and anxiety about the virus and its impact can be overwhelming. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reports one in five U.S. adults experience mental illness, and at least 8.4 million Americans provide care to a person with […]

Can “Lifestyle Medicine” Help Us With this Pandemic?

Can “Lifestyle Medicine” Help Us with this Pandemic? Many forward thinkers say yes! (including me). By “lifestyle” I mean the health behaviors we practice in our life. This includes all the things I have listed  in “The healthy Lifestyle Solution” wheel. Our diet Physical activity Sleep Stress Management High Quality Supplementation Digestive health Detoxification Support […]

How Healthy Do You Think You Are?

How healthy do you think you are? Studies show that people who rate their health positively are a step ahead of  those who think they are unwell, even when results were adjusted for actual medical conditions. This factor is called “self-rated health,” (or SRH) . “During this pandemic, when we see the statistics and the […]

Germ Theory or Terrain Theory of Disease?

Germ Theory or Terrain Theory of Disease? When I was in Medical School I was taught one of the main theories of which “modern medicine” is based called “germ theory”. This is a theory that says microorganisms (especially bacteria and viruses) invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. GERM THEORY According to the germ […]

Perhaps There is Something More……. PART 1

Perhaps there is something more for us in store that is a better version than the “BC” (Before Corona Virus) version. I don’t know about you, but I am determined to come out of this a better version of myself. I do know this will be the only way I can make sense of this […]