Easy Creamy Hummus Recipe

Creamy Hummus Recipe

Creamy hummus is my favorite go-to snack with veggies! I also use it as a spread in my egg white wraps instead of mayonnaise or mustard for an extra hit of protein and fiber. Hummus is an ancient Middle Eastern recipe made from pureed chickpeas. It usually contains additional flavoring agents — typically tahini, lemon […]

Want to Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat?

Want to Beat the Holiday Belly Bloat?  There are plenty of ways to support your gut a so that you can enjoy the season without belly problems. Here are 7 ways to beat the holiday digestive traffic jam: 1. Take a Digestive Enzyme with Every meal Take one at the beginning of every meal to […]

Digestive Help for the Holidays

Want some digestive help for the holidays? Over 100 million American’s suffer from digestive upset. Maintaining a healthy digestive system year round can be difficult for anyone. Maintaining it during the holiday season is a whole other game. Between the months of October and January, consuming more unhealthy fats,sugars, and extra holiday treats is the norm.  […]

FREE Webinar: “Healthy Gut, Healthy Body – Unlocking the Power of Your Second Brain.

Everyone is welcome – Please note: The proprietary presentation slides will not be shared, nor will the recording of the webinar! Thursday, March 8th, 2018 6:00Pm – 7:30pm (Pacific) 7:00pm – 8:30pm (Mountain) 8:00pm – 9:30pm (Central) 9:00pm – 9:30pm (Eastern) CLICK HERE to register We’ve only recently begun to understand the extent of the […]

Be Your Own Health Detective PART 2

Whatever skin issues you might be manifesting almost always point to imbalances in your body as whole. Your skin reflects the health of your body and that’s great news when the body system is vibrant and running on all cylinders! But when the skin shows evidence of compromise due to skin eruptions, blemishes or  excessive […]

Love The Skin You’re Living In -10 Habits of Glowing Skin

Your skin is your second mouth. It is also the largest organ of the body. As your second mouth, your skin readily absorbs everything you apply to it. It will absorb into your internal body the nutrients and chemical compounds applied to it, so consider what you’re feeding it.  When we talk about health and […]

Want to leap into health and longevity with me?

Amazing what people can do when they come together. I never thought I would do something like this but I have been inspired by others who are dong this. My wellness team has been working, playing and visioning. I’m ready to take my health to a whole other level I want to really add value to the world.

Dr Karen Health Talks Podcast – How to Make Fermented Foods 101

Fermented foods have a lot of health benefits. They are rich in enzymes, which help speed up digestion and absorption in our system. They are also rich in good bacteria, specifically lactobacillus acidophilus, which is an extremely beneficial flora found in the gut.

Top Ten Reasons Why Stress is Fattening

Why Your Body Could Be Resisting Weight Loss

Let’s define stress first. Most people only think of psychological stress when they hear the term “stress”. Things like family or job issues, or traffic or money worries. Yes, these can certainly be stressful. There are also less obvious stressors and what I call “hidden” stressors that have the same physiological effect on the body. […]