Sugar Sensitivity and Cravings – PODCAST
Sugar Sensitivity and Cravings – If sugar were put on the market for the first time today, it would be difficult to get it past the FDA. Eating sweets can give us a temporary emotional boost, which leads to a craving for still more sweets. Many people who suffer from sugar sensitivity don’t even know […]
4 R’s For Gut Brain Care PODCAST
Your digestion is important for absorption of nutrients, elimination of wastes and a vital component of our immune system. When things go wrong with our digestive tract it can cause widespread symptoms throughout our body and BRAIN like brain fog, fatigue, aches and pains, skin problems, mood problems and increase your risk of autoimmune conditions. […]
Biomarkers You Need to Know PODCAST
Biomarkers You Need to Know PODCAST. The next time you go for lab work, consider requesting these biomarkers that are often not ordered. They are a good indication of inflammation in your body! These tests are economical, and generally covered by most insurance plans. Bring this list to your next doctor’s visit.CLICK HERE for my […]
Overcoming The Epidemic of Loneliness
Let’s focus on overcoming the epidemic of loneliness. As technology dramatically expands our ways of communicating, loneliness has become one of the leading causes of premature death in all technologically advanced nations.Despite the increase in technology “connectivity” with cellphones, social media, dating apps, texting, email and digital entertainment… we are still lonely! In 2018, Cigna […]
Let Your Life Speak PODCAST
Let Your Life Speak PODCAST. Learning to ”Let Your life speak” means “living the life that wants to live in you.” It involves creating the kind of quiet, trusting conditions that allow your soul to speak its truth. It also means tuning out the noisy preconceived ideas about what a vocation should and shouldn’t be […]
Health Coaches Are Needed NOW!
Health coaches are needed NOW!. The Dis-ease care system needs them. Our medical industry continues to advance scientifically and doctors have very little time (or training) to talk about healthy lifestyles. As a doctor, I worked primarily to identify and treat symptoms. There is only so much a primary care doctor can do. There is […]
Want to Unlock Your Cells Potential?
Want to Unlock Your Cells Potential? Join my Cellsentials Challenge for FUN and energy and great health! It is a great simple step to improve your energy, brain fog, exercise endurance and overall wellness! It only takes 3 minutes a day and you can win lots of prizes!! Weekly PRIZES 3 categories: PARTICIPATION – CONTRIBUTION […]
Unexpected Lesson From Being Mother of the Bride
I had a huge awakening that I hope helps you if you have the pleasure and privilege of having a daughter (or son) get married. It’s a change that is almost as profound for parents as it is for the bride and groom. It was a whole year of planning filled with excitement and anticipation […]
The Pain-Relieving Power of CBD
The Pain-Relieving Power of CBD is sometimes confused with marijuana or raises concerns about getting “high” or “stoned”. CBD has no such effect. Another ingredient in marijuana is THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient. CBD is found in both hemp and marijuana plants. In supplements and topical products sold outside of marijuana dispensaries, CBD comes […]