Five Sugar Myths that Might Surprise You

Five sugar myths that might surprise you is designed to help you make the best decisions for your health. Despite 40 years of us being brainwashed into thinking that fat is bad, it turns out sugar—not fat—is what makes us sick and overweight. Five Sugar Myths that Might Surprise You Sugar Myth # 1 Brown […]

Diabesity and Sugar Addiction

Diabesity and sugar addiction go hand in hand. Diabesity is the inflammation that happens from high glycemic foods and it is describes a  spectrum  all the way from mild insulin resistance to full-blown diabetes. The answer is  diet and lifestyle choices that support your unique genetic susceptibilities. Want to hear other episodes? Subscribe to my […]

It’s Been a Rough Year for Sugar

It’s been a rough year for sugar. In my previous blog HERE, I wrote about  the article published in health journal Obesity that  found sugary beverage consumption down 20% in children and 10% in adults from 2003. Fruit juice and sodas took major hits, replaced at the popular table by coconut water and seltzers. Coconut […]

Is Sugar Addiction Really A Problem?

In this episode I am talking about “Is Sugar Addiction Really A Problem?” Like addictive drugs, highly palatable foods rich in sugar, fat and salt trigger feel-good chemicals such as dopamine. Once people experience pleasure associated with increased dopamine transmission in the brain’s reward pathway from eating certain foods, they quickly feel the need to […]

Is Sugar Addiction Real?

For many of us, sugar is addictive. That’s because foods high in sugar trigger the reward centers of your brain. The Lay’s potato chip  advertising company were really onto something when they developed their “betcha can’t eat just one” slogan in the 1950s. Talk about ahead of their time! Eric Stice, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at […]

Sugar is our #1 Recreational Drug of Choice

One of my favorite snacks is frozen yogurt. I always get the fat free variety! Well…. when you look at the ingredients label and sugar content, I am  better off eating a candy bar! I thought low-fat yogurt was supposed to be good for me??? Think again……..So now the research is taking a turn and […]

Sugar Detox Series PODCAST – PART 2

Is sugar addictive? A study published is the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests  that higher sugar, higher glycemic foods can be addictive. If you are among those whose brain chemistry and taste buds have been hijacked by the food industry (up to 70 percent of us, including 40 percent of children), then this podcast […]

How to Kick Your Sugar Addiction

Tonight I am presenting my DAY 3 Teleclass of my October Sugar Buster Group. I hold these groups every month and the Wednesday call is my favorite call because we talk about the science of Sugar Addiction and how we came to be addicted to this powerful white powder! Many people think it is just […]

Sugar is the New Fat

For so long we were brainwashed to think fat was bad and we have been on a fat free binge. Guess what? We are getting fatter and sicker! All this time we were increasing our consumption of sugar and not realizing that sugar in all its forms is the root cause of most of the […]