Ditch These Habits to Protect Your Immune System

Ditch These Habits to Protect Your Immune System. There are behaviors to do every day to support your immune system that I wrote about HERE in my FREE ebook Top 12 Lifestyle Tips to Support A Healthy Immune System (SOME MIGHT SURPRISE YOU!) But there are also immunity don’ts you should avoid. Knowing what NOT […]

How Healthy Do You Think You Are?

How healthy do you think you are? Studies show that people who rate their health positively are a step ahead of  those who think they are unwell, even when results were adjusted for actual medical conditions. This factor is called “self-rated health,” (or SRH) . “During this pandemic, when we see the statistics and the […]

How to Stay Healthy on A Cruise – PART 1

I am headed on a cruise in 5 days and there are certain “essential” items that I pack. I am doing a series on “How to Stay Healthy on a Cruise”.  PART 1 are the supplements I pack The last thing you want is to be sick on a cruise that is packed with activity […]

Sleep Duration & Dementia

One in three Americans do not get enough sleep, and 45% of the world’s population doesn’t either. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls that a “public health problem,” because disrupted sleep is associated with a higher risk of conditions including diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular disease. But what about dementia? It is well […]

Love The Skin You’re Living In -10 Habits of Glowing Skin

Your skin is your second mouth. It is also the largest organ of the body. As your second mouth, your skin readily absorbs everything you apply to it. It will absorb into your internal body the nutrients and chemical compounds applied to it, so consider what you’re feeding it.  When we talk about health and […]


Most people know they should cut calories and exercise more to trim down, but there’s now significant scientific evidence that another critical component to maintaining your natural normal weight  is avoiding sleep deprivation, sleep scientists say. “There is no doubt that insufficient sleep promotes hunger and appetite, which can cause excessive food intake resulting in […]

Melatonin and Migraines

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone. In humans, melatonin is produced in several tissues, including the brain (pineal gland), retina, and GI tract. In the brain, melatonin synthesis is stimulated by darkness. Once synthesized, it enters the blood stream and acts as an endocrine hormone involved in sleep regulation and a number of other cyclical […]

How to Eat Smart During Holiday Parties

It’s holiday season! That means lots of delicious food everywhere! Do you struggle with what to eat at these events? Do you find it hard to make healthy choices? I’m here to help! The best way to walk into a party is with a game plan. Below are 10 things you can do to help […]

How to Not Get Sick While Traveling

Want to know how to not get sick while traveling? I have been in 10 cities and 5 countries in the last two weeks and of course there is exposure to all kinds of things that could make me sick! How do I stay healthy while traveling? The thing to realize is traveling also takes […]