Your Brain on Food

Your Brain on food is a new paradigm in medicine (even though it is an ancient concept). There is an important movement in psychiatry called nutritional psychiatry. It seems common sense, but, few psychiatrists prescribe “food” as part of their treatment plan.  I hope this is changing! Your Brain on Food Did you know that […]

Ground Zero for Mental Health

Ground Zero for mental health is the gut. This year I am committed to shining a light on the science behind how best to support mental health. Most people (including health professionals), think depression is a chemical imbalance. That is incorrect. The Role of Inflammation in Mental Illness Two decades of scientific research highlight the […]

Depressed? Check Your Gut Bacteria

Depressed? Check Your Gut Bacteria The Wall Street Journal has an article on this on December 22, 2020. Yes! At last, the realization that depression is a condition of inflammation (not a chemical imbalance of the brain) is gaining widespread attention. “The field of psychiatry has known about the role of the immune system in […]

Gut Health and #WorldMicrobiomeDay 2020

Gut Health and #WorldMicrobiomeDay 2020 was June 27 2020. It came and went and I didn’t know! I love that the Microbiome has its own day! The human body contains over 10 times more microbial cells than human cells, although the entire microbiome only weighs about 200 grams, with some weight estimates ranging as high […]

Germ Theory or Terrain Theory of Disease?

Germ Theory or Terrain Theory of Disease? When I was in Medical School I was taught one of the main theories of which “modern medicine” is based called “germ theory”. This is a theory that says microorganisms (especially bacteria and viruses) invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. GERM THEORY According to the germ […]

The Microbiome Diet for Permanent Weight Loss – PODCAST

The Microbiome Diet

Cutting edge science has shown that the Microbiome is the key to healthy weight and feeling energized and optimistic. It has an enormous influence on your metabolism, mood, hormones and cravings. Learn the keys to The Microbiome Diet. Want to hear other episodes? Subscribe to my podcast HERE

Is Glyphosate Destroying Gut Bacteria?

Is Glyphosate Destroying Gut Bacteria? Glyphosate is a chemical that is very useful to farmers because they can spray it all over their fields. The chemical kills weeds, but leaves the resistant crops untouched. New evidence suggests that even tiny amounts of the herbicide might be harmful to your friendly bacteria. Some scientists say that […]

Can Owning A Dog Help Your Microbiome?

Our bodies contain around eight million genes. Yet only about 0.3 percent are human. The rest come from your microbiome — the sum total of genes from the numerous microbes (mostly bacteria, but also viruses, yeasts and fungi) that coat your skin, mouths, gut lining – just about everything. And any number of lifestyle factors […]

Vitality & Longevity: Secrets to A Thriving Life – PART 4 Your Microbiome and Your health

Until recently, scientists focused almost solely on how microbes negatively affect humans. There has since been a realization that some microorganisms are actually beneficial to human health. Let’s first of all define some terms: The microbiota is the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body. The microbiota microorganisms contain about 30-50 […]