Want Some Good recipes?
Everyone needs some good recipes. I am sure that you are wondering about a source for some good recipes that you can try or maybe you have a good recipe you would like to share. I am not a cook, but I prepare low glycemic, tasty meals for my family that are quick and easy. […]
What Is Genomic Testing?
Genomic testing is becoming more and more popular. Let’s look at what it is. You are born with your genes, many of which contain small errors called SNPs (pronounced “snips”) that can predispose you to certain health conditions or affect how your body processes medications. Unlike single gene mutations that cause inherited genetic diseases, gene […]
Is Sugar Addiction Really A Problem?
In this episode I am talking about “Is Sugar Addiction Really A Problem?” Like addictive drugs, highly palatable foods rich in sugar, fat and salt trigger feel-good chemicals such as dopamine. Once people experience pleasure associated with increased dopamine transmission in the brain’s reward pathway from eating certain foods, they quickly feel the need to […]
Is Sugar Addiction Real?
For many of us, sugar is addictive. That’s because foods high in sugar trigger the reward centers of your brain. The Lay’s potato chip advertising company were really onto something when they developed their “betcha can’t eat just one” slogan in the 1950s. Talk about ahead of their time! Eric Stice, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at […]
Do You Believe that Love Can Heal?
Do you believe love can heal? I felt moved to write about how love has shown up in so many ways this weekend. Last Friday we saw the tragedy in Texas and we mourned as a country and prayed for Texas. We sent love to the families. Then Saturday we witnessed the opposite side of […]
Vitality & Longevity: Secrets to A Thriving Life – PART 4 Your Microbiome and Your health
Until recently, scientists focused almost solely on how microbes negatively affect humans. There has since been a realization that some microorganisms are actually beneficial to human health. Let’s first of all define some terms: The microbiota is the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body. The microbiota microorganisms contain about 30-50 […]
PODCAST – How Pets Help Your Health
Do you know how pets help your health? Our dogs are part of our family. Some might say a little “too much” since they sleep in our bed and cuddle up on the couch with us! See all the ways pet owners’ health can prosper—physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Vitality & Longevity: Secrets to A Thriving Life – PART 3 Foods Your Brain Will Love
BEWARE – Food is medicine, or it’s poison. LONGEVITY SECRET # 3 – conditions including Alzheimer’s — and other forms of dementia — and also depression, attention deficit disorder, PTSD, even bipolar disorders, are all deeply influenced by the food we eat. “The real weapons of mass destruction are highly processed, pesticide-sprayed, high-glycemic, low-fiber, food-like […]
Vitality & Longevity: Secrets to A Thriving Life – PART 2 Diet Killers
BEWARE – Our diet is killing more of us than smoking LONGEVITY SECRET # 2 – The vast majority of premature death and disability is preventable with a plant based diet and other healthy lifestyle behaviors 70 to 80 percent of all major chronic diseases are lifestyle diseases, so the only way to treat them […]