Is Coffee Good For me?

Is coffee good for me? Coffee is the largest source of dietary antioxidants in the U.S. diet, and its complex mixture of more than 1,000 different polyphenols and other compounds is excellent for your health. (1) Drinking coffee is associated with longer telomere length, for starters. (2) Telomeres are the structures at the end of […]

Unstoppable Success

As a creative entrepreneur with a passion for wellness and successful business growth, Dr. Karen has been the perfect mentor for me. She models business success using servant leadership and team development skills, personalized coaching, powerful presentations, plus an “Olympic-like” drive which has resulted in her unstoppable success in the wellness industry. With grace and gentle […]

Inspiring Leadership

I love working with Karen. I find her to be an inspiring role model. She helps me with clear ideas about how to proceed in my business without feeling overwhelmed. With Karen’s guidance, I have been able to grow my business. She is truly an inspirational leader.

Shine As An Entrepreneur

Dr. Karen Wolfe saw my potential to shine as an entrepreneur long before I did! This gave me the confidence and courage to leave my thankless and unfulfilling corporate position and launch my own business in wellness! I now have the time-freedom to take excellent care of myself and to be an example to others to […]

A Conscious Marketing Model

I am extremely grateful for Karen’s leadership and guidance into financial freedom using the law of attraction and a conscious marketing model that defines sales as a service. Her style and approach resonate with mine allowing me to be authentic and successful at the same time. It is not only a huge gift to me, […]

Want to Try Intermittent Fasting?

Want to try Intermittent Fasting? I am sure you have heard the term as it has become as popular lately as the keto diet! I decided to try it and I started it last week and want to share my experience. What Is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between […]

Sitting May Sabotage the Benefits of Exercise

Sitting may sabotage the benefits of exercise. As I write this, I am wanting to stand up! Sitting for most of the day could make us resistant to the usual benefits of exercise, according to a small but worrying new study. What Science Says CLICK HERE for the study  titled “Inactivity induces resistance to the […]

What Is Prediabetes and Why Should You Care?

What is prediabetes and why should you care? It’s a wake-up call that you’re on the path to diabetes. But it’s not too late to turn things around. If you have it (like 86 million other Americans), your blood sugar (glucose) level is higher than it should be, but not in the diabetic range. People […]