A Mind of Your Own – PODCAST

A Mind of Your Own outlines a new paradigm of depression as a lifestyle crisis. Dr Kelly Brogan, MD has written a book based on her clinical experience as a board certified psychiatrist and her interpretation of published medical findings. Dr. Brogan illuminates the true cause of depression as not simply a chemical imbalance but […]

Dr Karen Health Talks Podcast – How to Make Fermented Foods 101

Fermented foods have a lot of health benefits. They are rich in enzymes, which help speed up digestion and absorption in our system. They are also rich in good bacteria, specifically lactobacillus acidophilus, which is an extremely beneficial flora found in the gut.

The Ultimate Social Network – The Microbiome– PART 1

90% of the cells in our body are not human. The trillions of tiny bacteria living inside of us are called the microbiome. Our body contains ten times more microbes than human cells and one hundred times more microbial DNA than human DNA. All the microbes inside of us are collectively known as the microbiome. […]

Dealing With Depression– Tips to Try

Recent years have seen a shocking increase in antidepressant use the world over, with 1 in 4 women starting their day with medication. These drugs have steadily become the panacea for everything from grief, irritability, panic attacks, to insomnia, PMS, and stress. But the truth is, what women really need can’t be found at a pharmacy.

What Causes Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common  gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. In fact, studies estimate that 38-96 million Americans  suffer from IBS, although only 5 to 7% have been diagnosed. Symptoms of IBS include frequent diarrhea, constipation—or both—gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. IBS is a group of symptoms, including abdominal pain or discomfort and changes […]

My Inflammation Transformation

Welcome to my inflammation transformation. When I look at these photos it makes me so grateful that I learned about the role of inflammation (and how sugar creates inflammation) in my life! For so many years I exercised and thought I was eating right but I had no idea that carbohydrates played such a huge […]

Got Digestion Issues? – Avoid these Foods

Got digestion issues? It is estimated that up to 70 million Americans suffer from some form of digestive issue – ranging from chronic constipation to serious and even life-threatening conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. And while digestive issues can stem from a wide variety of causes, there’s one factor quite often overlooked – CARBOHYDRATES. I […]

Gut Matters

Your gut matters! Unfortunately, many of us eating the Standard American Diet, taking medications and antibiotics, using antibacterial soaps and cleaners, and living a fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle are creating a difficult time for our friendly gut  flora and, instead, are giving the bad bacterial  gut flora the upper hand. We have a huge array of […]

Got Constipation?

Got Constipation? – Constipation is defined medically as fewer than three stools per week and severe constipation as less than one stool per week. Some of the symptoms of constipation include lower abdominal discomfort, infrequent bowel movements, straining to have a bowel movement, hard or small stools, rectal bleeding and/or anal fissures caused by hard stools, […]