U.S. Dietary Guidelines Ignore Scientists’ Advice

The latest U.S. Dietary Guidelines Ignore Scientists’ Advice. The scientific committee they had appointed, and instead, reverted to the recommendation of the previous guidelines. Why would that be so? Food industry groups had lobbied intensely against the scientific committee’s proposed new limits. The American Beverage Association, which represents drink makers including Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, urged […]
Ditch These Habits to Protect Your Immune System

Ditch These Habits to Protect Your Immune System. There are behaviors to do every day to support your immune system that I wrote about HERE in my FREE ebook Top 12 Lifestyle Tips to Support A Healthy Immune System (SOME MIGHT SURPRISE YOU!) But there are also immunity don’ts you should avoid. Knowing what NOT […]
Sugar Sensitivity and Cravings – PODCAST

Sugar Sensitivity and Cravings – If sugar were put on the market for the first time today, it would be difficult to get it past the FDA. Eating sweets can give us a temporary emotional boost, which leads to a craving for still more sweets. Many people who suffer from sugar sensitivity don’t even know […]
Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Want to know some natural remedies for heartburn, commonly called acid reflux? It is caused when digestive acids flow up from the stomach and into the esophagus. The esophagus, located in the heart region of the chest, becomes irritated with a burning sensation. Other Symptoms of Heartburn There are other symptom symptoms for acid reflux […]
Weight Loss Secrets You Don’t Hear About

With all the diets available, I have found there are two key weight loss secrets.
Want to measure your Vitamin D?

Do you know what your Vitamin D level is? Having blood tests to measure the amount in your blood is the only way to know if you’re getting enough or not. The blood test you need is called a 25(OH)D blood test. You can get a blood test at your doctors or you can do […]
Is sugar as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco?
Thank you to my friend Gail in Wisconsin who alerted me to this great announcement about the ABC News segment highlighting a group of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, who are urging a tax on sugary treats. In an editorial published Feb 1, 2012 in the journal Nature, the UCSF doctors, Robert Lustig, Laura […]