It’s Been a Rough Year for Sugar

It’s been a rough year for sugar. In my previous blog HERE, I wrote about  the article published in health journal Obesity that  found sugary beverage consumption down 20% in children and 10% in adults from 2003. Fruit juice and sodas took major hits, replaced at the popular table by coconut water and seltzers. Coconut […]

Americans Are Saying No to Soda Pop

A study released in 2016 shows Americans are saying no to soda pop! The study, published in the journal Obesity in 2016 relied on a representative sample of 18,000 children 2 to 19 years old, and 27,652 adults aged 20 and older. They were asked about their beverage consumption over the past 24 hours: juice, […]

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

HbA1C - Not Just For Diabetes

Checking your  blood glucose (sugar) levels makes a difference when it comes overall health awareness. I like to teach my clients about 4 main ways to test their blood sugar and I will explain each way and the “target” levels for each. Fasting before a meal (Preprandial) After a meal – Postprandial PPG Random Hemoglobin […]

The Startling Link Between Sugar and Alzheimer’s

Have you ever considered their might be a connection with the amount of sugar in your diet and your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease? A high-carb diet, and the resulting high blood sugar, are associated with cognitive decline. In recent years, Alzheimer’s disease has occasionally referred to as “Type 3 Diabetes”, It’s increasingly looking like Alzheimer’s […]

Have you heard about Lipoprotein A?

Lipoprotein(a) (also called Lp(a) or LPA) is a lipoprotein subclass. Genetic studies have identified Lp(a) as a risk factor for atherosclerotic diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke. The Lp(a) test is typically ordered by a doctor if you have other risk factors for heart disease. Results of this test help determine your risk. […]

Regain Your Brain

Many people don’t realize that by the time you begin experiencing symptoms of cognitive decline, your diet and lifestyle has been affecting your brain’s health for decades. There is now a massive (and growing!) body of research that proves that we can not only prevent loss of brain function, but we can actually regain it […]

The Deadly Lipoprotein A

The most dangerous particle when it comes to heart disease is genetically-determined, meaning your family gave it you. Insurance companies refused to pay to have it tested so most of the millions of people who have it are unaware.

Acid versus Alkali – What is the difference?

Your survival depends on your blood pH to be consistent. If you are more acidic, your body will  literally strip itself of  sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium just to establish balance, neutralize the over-abundance of acid, and safely remove it from the body!

Ten Nutrition Tips for Adrenal Fatigue

Always eat breakfast before 10am.  Try to eat your lunch before noon and evening meal before 6 p.m. Avoid coffee or other caffeinated beverages. Coffee and tea act as stimulants and interrupt sleep pattern. Herbal tea is acceptable because it does not contain caffeine. Eat within one hour of waking.  Fasting is hard on the […]