Fried Eggplant and Yogurt-Garlic Dressing
Fried Eggplant with Yogurt-Garlic Dressing Eggplant is wonderful in texture and can quite often make a very convincing substitute for meat. I’ll give you my favorite, and most simple – fried eggplant. The turkish way is to simply fry the eggplant in olive oil. But eggplant soaks up a lot of oil and it gets […]
Humour – Signs of the Times
Humor: Signs of the Times I read these and just had to share the fun and delight with you! Enjoy!!!! On a military hospital door to colonoscopy, “To expedite your visit, please back in.” On a plumber’s truck, “We repair what your husband fixed.” On the trucks of a local plumbing company, “Don’t sleep with […]
Quotes for the Week

Quotes of the Week “Fear of the unknown is the worst of all the fears; it kills the creative powers that come from Curiosity.” — Dr. Nirvikar Dahiya “Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” — Ben Franklin ” Most of the shadows of this life are […]
It is a miracle day. It is Easter Sunday. This whole day is set to give us the message that there is a power that is greater than anything that could ever happen in our lives, even death. Today, let us go forth realizing that we will have many encounters throughout this day and tomorrow and […]
The Addictive Brain
“Americans consume five billion tranquilizers per year. One-third of all US high school students binge-drink every two weeks, and 100,000 children ages ten and eleven get drunk weekly. Four hundred fifty million cups of coffee are drunk every day, and 2.7 gallons of alcohol per person are imbibed each year. About 2.2 million people in […]