The Alzheimer’s Gene: How Important Is It?

The Alzheimer’s Gene- How Important Is It?  There is so much you can do to protect your brain even if you have the Alzheimer’s Gene variant. Learn all about it in this episode of The Dr Karen Health Show The Alzheimer’s Gene There are multiple factors which influence the chance that an individual will develop […]

Pure, White and Deadly – PODCAST

Pure, White and Deadly PART 1 – Why don’t we hear much about the dangers of sugar? Forty years ago, renowned physician John Yudkin sounded the alarm that sugar is bad for our health – he was ignored by the medical community. Now with current science and nutrition and the fall of the low-fat hypothesis, […]

Vitality & Longevity: Secrets to A Thriving Life – PART 3 Foods Your Brain Will Love

BEWARE – Food is medicine, or it’s poison. LONGEVITY SECRET # 3 – conditions including Alzheimer’s — and other forms of dementia — and also depression, attention deficit disorder, PTSD, even bipolar disorders, are all deeply influenced by the food we eat. “The real weapons of mass destruction are highly processed, pesticide-sprayed, high-glycemic, low-fiber, food-like […]

Sugar is our #1 Recreational Drug of Choice

One of my favorite snacks is frozen yogurt. I always get the fat free variety! Well…. when you look at the ingredients label and sugar content, I am  better off eating a candy bar! I thought low-fat yogurt was supposed to be good for me??? Think again……..So now the research is taking a turn and […]

Can Exercise Help Us Think Better?

A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in March 12, 2017, showed that exercise in people age 50 or over is demonstrated to have significant effects on cognition.

The Number One Way to Boost Your Brain Power

Nothing protects the brain quite like regular exercise. Here is the list of why exercise is the number one way to boost your brain. Exercise is like investing in a retirement fund for your brain. Exercise can Increase blood flow to the brain, which of course increase oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Enhance the […]

Join me on Monday May 8 to Learn about your Microbiome!

Your greatest ally in health is your microbiome–the trillions of bacteria that are the control center of your health! I have written a lot about the microbiome and I am speaking at two national conferences this year all about it. CLICK HERE to join the Microbiome Summit for FREE CLICK HERE to own all of […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Through Your Gut

A healthy gut is needed for a a healthy brain. Your brain’s health is dictated by what goes on in your gut. What’s taking place in your intestines affects not only your brain’s daily functions, but also determines your risk for a number of neurological conditions in the future. The gut’s brain makes more serotonin […]

Your Brain’s Silent Killer – Sugar

David Perlmutter, M.D., F.A.C.N., is a board-certified neurologist and fellow of the American College of Nutrition and author of Grain Brain. Dr. Perlmutter aims to expose the surprising truth about wheat, carbs, and sugar – your brain’s silent killers. Inflammation, is a cornerstone mechanism related to progressive destruction that occurs in the brain as we […]