How to Reduce Exposure to Toxins – PART 1

Toxins that we are exposed to in everyday life can act as endocrine disruptors. This means that they can increase or decrease vital hormones in the body. This ultimately leads to serious health problems, and so it is important to reduce exposure to these chemicals. Knowing about the negative health effects of these chemicals is […]
Replacing Toxic Teflon with a safer alternative
Ever since I read the Healthy Home Book I realized I need to chnage out my TEFLON pans. Teflon is toxic. I went to a home store and no one there could help me with an alternative so I went home without new pans. My friends at The Institute for integrative Nutrition have given me […]
Healthy Home Hint #2 – Non Stick Cookware
Nonstick cookware, such as Teflon® pots and pans, offer a great convenience but most nonstick cookware is coated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which, when heated to 680°F on a regular electric stove, can release at least six toxic gases. Some toxic particles are released at temperatures as low as 464°F.2 These temperatures and higher can be easily […]