Look what Costco Items I Have in my Kitchen

Look what Costco items I have in my kitchen. It is such a popular place, especially for people with larger families, people who entertain, people looking for a deal. Did you know it is also a great place to stock up on organic foods? Who knew? I went the other day and found over 80 […]
Sugar Detox Series PODCAST – PART 3

In this third PODCAST on the Sugar Detox Series, there is a great conversation about low glycemic recipes and meal plans. Once you remove sugar cravings, you start to crave healthy food and real food tastes so much better! My next LIVE Sugar Buster Tele group begins Monday November 7 CLICK HERE to join. […]
How can you buy NON GMO Food?

You are probably consuming genetically engineered (GE) food, also known as GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) and you don’t even know it. Currently, up to 85% of U.S. corn is genetically engineered (GE), as are 91% of soybeans and 88% of cotton (cottonseed oil is often used in food products). It has been estimated that upwards […]