This might be why you feel tired all the time.

Why do your energy levels dip? Well, it can start with problems in your gut. Why your gut? Because that’s where your body processes your food. Your gut is supposed to take the energy from your food, and give it to the rest of your body. Problem is, bad bacteria in your gut can steal […]

The Truth About the “Alzheimer’s Gene”

This might be why you feel tired all the time.

Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, robbing them of their memories and cognitive abilities. In recent years, there has been much discussion about a specific gene, APOE4, often referred to as the “Alzheimer’s gene.” There is a lot of misconception that having the APOE4 gene guarantees the development of […]

Beyond the Scale: Embracing Body Composition for True Health

Beyond The Scale: Embracing Body Composition For True Health

In the quest for a healthier lifestyle, many of us have been conditioned to focus solely on the number that stares back at us from the bathroom scale. However, as our understanding of fitness and well-being evolves, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the scale doesn’t tell the whole story. Let’s explore why shifting our focus […]

Truths About Metabolism and Aging

The Truths About Metabolism and Aging

Truths About Metabolism And Aging shares one of the most discussed topics in health and wellness. Traditionally, we’ve been led to believe that our metabolic rate inevitably slows down as the years pass. However, recent research has begun to unveil some surprising truths about this intricate interplay. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of metabolism and […]

Microbes, Mood and Mental Health

Most people are on board with the idea that gut microbes affect our health, but it may be more difficult to accept that they also influence how we feel and think. New research suggests that to maintain a healthy brain, we should tend our gut microbiome. For nearly two decades, neuroscientist John Cryan of University […]

The Lifespan of Cells: Fuel Your Body For Success

The Lifespan of Cells: Why Healthy Eating Is Key!

The human body replaces its own cells regularly. Scientists have pinned down the speed and extent of this “turnover.” Two thirds of our body is made up of roughly 30 trillion human cells. Tiny cells in our blood  live only three to 120 days, and the cells in the lining of our gut typically live […]

5 Keys for Less Holiday Stress!

The Lifespan of Cells: Why Healthy Eating Is Key!

Here are my 5 keys to less holiday stress. The holidays can be a stressful time of year, with all the demands of shopping, cooking, entertaining, and traveling.  For some, holidays might remind you of a loved one you lost, plunging you into a lonely and stressful mood. Sometimes, it’s the anxiety of the expectations […]

Can Spirituality Extend Life Expectancy?

Can Spirituality Extend Life Expectancy?

Can spirituality extend life expectancy? A 2022 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), highlights the importance of incorporating spirituality into care for both serious illnesses and overall health. The study was conducted by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham Women’s Hospital and represents the most rigorous and […]

Travel Sleep Tips for Your Best Rest on the Road

Can Spirituality Extend Life Expectancy?

There’s nothing quite like sinking into your own bed after a long, exhausting day. Unfortunately, this luxury isn’t an option when you’re traveling. But this doesn’t mean you have to give up on quality sleep on the road. Why, exactly, is it so hard to sleep while you travel? The following sections break down the […]