Mental Health and Your Gut- Part 1 Got Constipation?
Mental Health and Your Gut is a series designed to show you how our gut is connected to anxiety and depression and provide solutions to improve your mental well-being by optimizing your capacity to digest food and absorb nutrients. Part 1 is about how constipation can lead to recirculation of toxins and imbalance of your […]
A New Vaccine – Optimize Your Brain PODCAST
In my latest PODCAST I talk about a new book I am so excited about. The End of Alzheimer’s Program, Dr Dale Bredesen , MD talks about needing a new vaccine for Alzheimer’s Disease. Not an injection, but a personalized lifestyle program based on all the contributing factors. He lays out the detailed program he […]
How to Reduce Exposure to Toxins – PART 2
PART 2 of how to reduce exposure to toxins. CLICK HERE for PART 1. In the Bathroom Check shampoos, conditioners, shave cream, body wash and any other personal care product or cosmetic you use. Many of these products are filled with parabens and phthalates which all negatively impact your hormones. It is important to even […]
How to Reduce Exposure to Toxins – PART 1
Toxins that we are exposed to in everyday life can act as endocrine disruptors. This means that they can increase or decrease vital hormones in the body. This ultimately leads to serious health problems, and so it is important to reduce exposure to these chemicals. Knowing about the negative health effects of these chemicals is […]
4 Steps to Heal Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects up to 2.5 million Americans and for most is a very debilitating illness. Conventional medicine is just now coming around to recognizing it as a real syndrome, and it is generally only as a diagnosis of of exclusion, meaning they ruled out other diseases and did not find any reason for […]