Join me on Monday May 8 to Learn about your Microbiome!

Your greatest ally in health is your microbiome–the trillions of bacteria that are the control center of your health! I have written a lot about the microbiome and I am speaking at two national conferences this year all about it. CLICK HERE to join the Microbiome Summit for FREE CLICK HERE to own all of […]

Top Ten Reasons Why Stress is Fattening

Letā€™s define stress first. Most people only think of psychological stress when they hear the term ā€œstressā€. Things like family or job issues, or traffic or money worries. Yes, these can certainly be stressful. There are also less obvious stressors and what I call ā€œhiddenā€ stressors that have the same physiological effect on the body. […]

What’s For Dinner? – The Magic of Marinades

What’s for dinner? That question often instills panic in me as a busy working professional. I know I am not the only one! I decided to take on the challenge and find simple, quick, healthy recipes that I can enjoy making and eating and sharing! I am NOT a cook! I am passionate about health […]

Want to Know How to Snack Smart?

Snacking between meals can keep you from getting too hungry and help you maintain a more consistent energy level throughout the day.Ā The secret is eating the right kind of snacks, ones that will give your body the nutrients that it needs. Nutrient Intake It can be difficult to get all of your daily recommended nutrients […]

The Obesity Code – Unlocking the Secrets to Weight Loss

The Obesity Code is a great book. I wanted to review the key concepts here. The subtitle is “Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss”. Jason Fung, MD does a great job explaining how weight gain and obesity are driven by hormones and only understanding the effects of insulin and insulin resistance can we achieve lasting […]

What Are Autoimmune Conditions?

Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and MS, affect more than 250 million people worldwide. In the United States, they are the 3rd leading chronic disease behind cardiovascular disease and cancer. Based on twin studies, we now know that 25% of autoimmunity is genetics, and the other 75% is environmental.   Would you like […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Brain through Your Gut – PODCAST

A healthy gut is needed for a healthy brain. Your brainā€™s health is dictated by what goes on in your gut. Whatā€™s taking place in your intestines affects not only your brainā€™s daily functions, but also determines your risk for a number of neurological conditions in the future. Listen to my recording to hear the […]

Dealing With Depressionā€“ Tips to Try

Recent years have seen a shocking increase in antidepressant use the world over, with 1 in 4 women starting their day with medication. These drugs have steadily become the panacea for everything from grief, irritability, panic attacks, to insomnia, PMS, and stress. But the truth is, what women really need canā€™t be found at a pharmacy.

What You Eat May Be Killing Your Brain – PART 2

The underlying causes of Alzheimerā€™s disease begin with too much sugar on the brain. The cycle starts when we over-consume sugar and donā€™t eat enough fat, which leads to diabesity.Ā  Type 3 Diabetes The idea that Alzheimer’s might be Type 3 diabetes has been around since 2005, but the connection between poor diet and Alzheimerā€™s […]