Nature-Deficit Disorder – PODCAST

Richard Louv introduced the term “Nature-Deficit Disorder” in 2005 with the publication of his best-selling book, “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.” He coined the phrase to serve as a description of the human costs of alienation from nature and it is not meant to be a medical diagnosis (although […]
What Exactly Is CBD Oil ?

I get asked a lot about my opinions on CBD Oil. I had to research it myself because this is new to the medical and wellness world. I knew it had something to do with marijuana, but I needed to turn to my functional health community to really understand the science. Here are some TOP […]
Vitality & Longevity: Secrets to A Thriving Life – PART 3 Foods Your Brain Will Love

BEWARE – Food is medicine, or it’s poison. LONGEVITY SECRET # 3 – conditions including Alzheimer’s — and other forms of dementia — and also depression, attention deficit disorder, PTSD, even bipolar disorders, are all deeply influenced by the food we eat. “The real weapons of mass destruction are highly processed, pesticide-sprayed, high-glycemic, low-fiber, food-like […]