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The Dr. Karen Health Show podcast will offer you strategies and plans to take your health to the next level. She is the leading voice to discern how to use the massive amounts information in the field of nutrition, mind/body medicine and functional medicine.
With scientifically sound principles, she will offer tips, motivation and inspiration to support your total health and wellness.
Tune in for an infusion of empowerment and actionable strategies to up level, heal and grow! #TheDrKarenHealthShow
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Mental Health Tips for Stressful Times
Over the past several days, the situation in Ukraine 🇺🇦 has escalated into war and many of us are feeling anxious, sad, fearful and

The Alzheimer’s Gene: How Important Is It?
The Alzheimer’s Gene- How Important Is It? There is so much you can do to protect your brain even if you have the Alzheimer’s

Nutrigenomic Testing for Optimal Health
Nutrigenomic testing offers a roadmap for a personalized wellness plan based on your unique genetic variations. I can customize your health plan based on

Know Your Heart Health Numbers PODCAST
Know Your Heart Health Numbers PODCAST episode of The Dr Karen Health Show reviews the bio markers you need to keep track of for

What Is the Mind/Heart Connection? Part 2 PODCAST
Part 2 of The Dr Karen Health Show Podcast series on The Mind/Heart Connection. In this episode, Dr Karen reviews her 4 “M’s” of

What Is the Mind/Heart Connection? PART 1 PODCAST
What Is the Mind/Heart Connection? There is now an increasing appreciation of how psychological health can contribute not only in a negative way to

How to Make Healthy Eating Fun for Kids – PODCAST
How to Make Healthy Eating Fun for Kids is a mission worth working on! It is never too early to encourage healthy eating in

The Scary Sugar Trap PODCAST
The Scary Sugar Trap speaks to the scariest thing about Halloween – sugar! As a Sugar Buster Coach, you can imagine how scary Halloween

Nutrigenomics Can Change Your Life
Nutrigenomics Can Change Your Life Nutrigenomics is a wonderful way to drive behavior motivation and change your life! In this Podcast Dr Karen discusses

4 Habits to Build Mental Strength
If ever there was a time to build mental strength — it is NOW. In the episode of The Dr Karen Health Show, Dr

My Detox Experience – PODCAST
My Detox Experience – PODCAST is the latest episode of the Dr Karen Wolfe Health Show. In this episode, Dr Karen explains the comprehensive

Hidden Dangers of Heartburn
Hidden Dangers of Heartburn PODCAST emphasizes the importance of action! Left untreated, acid reflux (heartburn), can result in many chronic digestive issues. In this

The Mouth Body Connection – PODCAST
The Mouth Body Connection has seen a huge shift in understanding the link between mouth health and body health. Dr Karen Wolfe answers two

4 Foods To Avoid for Bone Health – PODCAST
Can you guess what the four bad for the bones foods are ? In this podcast episode. Dr Karen Wolfe shares valuable insights in

How To Read A Food Label
A common question wellness seekers ask is about how to read a food label. In this podcast episode Dr Karen Wolfe breaks down the

Finding Hope
Finding hope is what this Podcast Episode is about. I was drawn to this topic when I heard it at the Center for Spiritual

Are You Protecting Your Eyes? – PODCAST
Are You Protecting Your Eyes? Do you know the major causes of vision loss? Did you know most of these causes, if caught early,

Do This At Least 3 Times A Week
Do This At Least 3 Times A Week. Do you want to improve your mood and metabolism, have more energy and feel great? Today’s

How to Stop Sugar Cravings
How to Stop Sugar Cravings is what people ask me the most about. So many of us have sugar cravings that can feel uncontrollable!

Top 20 Brain Nourishing Foods for YOU!
Here is a list of 20 scientifically proven brain-nourishing foods. What we eat every day creates and re-creates both our cells and our body!

How Movement Can Help Move Emotions with SPECIAL GUEST Dr Deb Kern
In this Dr Karen Health Show Podcast episode, Dr Deb Kern shares how emotions can get blocked in the body and how important it

Biomarkers for Your Brain Health
Biomarkers for your brain health podcast is focused on being able to assess your likelihood for cognitive decline before it happens. In this podcast

5 Foods to Avoid for Mental Health
5 Foods to Avoid for Mental Health is shining a light on how to protect your mental health with food. This is PART 3

Heartburn and Your Mood
Heartburn and your mood is PART 2 of my PODCAST SERIES on Mental Health and Your Gut If you think Heartburn is a minor

Mental Health and Your Gut- Part 1 Got Constipation?
Mental Health and Your Gut is a series designed to show you how our gut is connected to anxiety and depression and provide solutions

Healthy Snacking Ideas – PODCAST
Snacking while working at home can be tricky when we are so close to the refrigerator all the time. Here are my Top Ten

Seven Self Care Skills I Learned from my Dog – PODCAST
My dog Max teaches me ( and reminds me) about self care every day. In this podcast episode I share seven self care skills

The Blessings of A Slab Leak — PODCAST
The Blessings of A Slab Leak is a podcast I recorded to reflect on the hidden blessings that we found when our ceilings were

Wellness Tips While Working From Home
Wellness Tips While Working From Home is needed as the pandemic has thrust many of us into a new work-from-home environment for the first

Solving the Food Sensitivity Test Puzzle
Let’s talk about solving the Food Sensitivity Test Puzzle. An estimated 30 percent of Americans experience some kind of food sensitivity during their lifetime.

Where is Our Psychological First Aid?- PODCAST
Where Is Our Psychological First Aid? I first learned of this term at the National Wellness Conference. Tramaine EL-Amin was a keynote speaker. She

The Five “C’s” of Resilience – The Secret Power Of Stress PODCAST EPISODE 3
The Five “C’s” of Resilience, developed by Dr. Joel Bennett and staff at Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems, are known as the five competencies

What Is Your Resilience Story? – The Secret Power of Stress PODCAST EPISODE 2
What is your resilience story? We all have challenges that shape our character and help us grow. The past few months have tested our

Resilience and Thriving – The Secret Power of Stress PODCAST EPISODE 1
A tool in transforming stress into strength is our understanding of different levels of pain and happiness. Each of us tends to have a

A New Vaccine – Optimize Your Brain PODCAST
In my latest PODCAST I talk about a new book I am so excited about. The End of Alzheimer’s Program, Dr Dale Bredesen ,

Lifestyle Medicine is Needed Now! – PODCAST
Lifestyle medicine is needed now more than ever. Poor lifestyle choices such a smoking and overuse of alcohol and lack of physical activity are

To Thine Own Self Be True
To Thine Own Self Be True is a podcast where I give my own personal experience of the book “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle .

A Boost for Your Mental Health – PODCAST
A Boost for Your Mental Health In this episode I hold space for all the different emotions at this time to co- exist. It

Let’s Focus on Creating Health
Let’s Focus on Creating Health We have heard about the Germ Theory of disease, have you heard about The Terrain Theory? It’s time to

Navigating Difficult Emotions on My Birthday
Having a birthday during the pandemic triggered a lot of emotion for me. This was NOT what I was expecting on my birthday….. but

Finding Gratitude, Hope and Love in a Time of Hardship – PODCAST
At a time of so much change in our world, it is normal to feel anxiety, fear, stress, depression. Today I focus on how

Calming the Corona Viral Panic – PODCAST PART 2
There is a viral panic that is shifting the way we live and the choices we make. On March 13, 2020, the President declared

Finding Calm in the Corona Virus Chaos – PODCAST PART 1
When we are faced with something that feels out of control, it is good to focus on things we can do. Dr Oz prepared

A Lifestyle Approach to Prediabetes – PODCAST
Even moderate changes in lifestyle can make a big difference in preventing the progression of prediabetes. Learn Dr Karen’s 12 Step Program and make

Are You Listening to Your Thyroid? PODCAST
Are You Listening to Your Thyroid? The thyroid is a powerful glad that controls nearly every aspect of our health. The podcast reviews signs

12 Steps to Beating Sugar Addiction – PODCAST
12 Steps to Beating Sugar Addiction – PODCAST

How Lifestyle Affects Brain Chemistry – PODCAST
Everything we do in our daily lives affects our neurotransmitters. How we sleep, what we eat, how we move and even our thoughts and

Four Reasons Why Diets Don’t Work – PODCAST
We usually think weight loss is about will power! No! It’s about lifestyle. It’s time to redefine “diet” as “a manner of living”. Learn

The Blue Zones: 6 Secrets to Longevity and Happiness from People Who Live the Longest
Blue Zones are regions in the world that are home to some of the oldest and healthiest people in the world. Although their lifestyles

The Microbiome Diet for Permanent Weight Loss – PODCAST
Cutting edge science has shown that the Microbiome is the key to healthy weight and feeling energized and optimistic. It has an enormous influence

The Big Leap – How to Conquer Fear and Take Your Life to the Next Level – PODCAST
Discover the four fears that prevent us from reaching our true potential and how to break through these limitations to our Zone of Genius.

5 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself From Cell Phone Radiation – PODCAST
5 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself From Cell Phone Radiation – PODCAST. On average adults spend over 3 hours a day doing things on

Nature-Deficit Disorder – PODCAST
Richard Louv introduced the term “Nature-Deficit Disorder” in 2005 with the publication of his best-selling book, “Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children

What Is Intermittent Fasting and Why Should I Try It? – PODCAST
Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. There are several different ways of doing intermittent

Mindful Eating Strategies for Weight Balance
There are many hidden persuaders that lead us to overeat. The average person makes over 200 decisions about food every day. What is often

Keep Your Pet Safe this Holiday Season
Keep Your Pet Safe this Holiday Season. The holidays can be a magical time filled with family and friends AND it can be perilous

Diabesity and Sugar Addiction
Diabesity and sugar addiction go hand in hand. Diabesity is the inflammation that happens from high glycemic foods and it is describes a spectrum

To Rest Like A Tree – PODCAST
To Rest Like A Tree is the the work of Mark Nepo, a poet and teacher. In this podcast Dr Karen discusses Mark’s book

A Mind of Your Own – PODCAST
A Mind of Your Own outlines a new paradigm of depression as a lifestyle crisis. Dr Kelly Brogan, MD has written a book based

Testing for Adrenal Fatigue – PODCAST
Testing for Adrenal Fatigue correctly requires using a combination of lab testing and feedback from the patient (questionnaires can also play a useful role).

Pure, White and Deadly – PODCAST
Pure, White and Deadly PART 1 – Why don’t we hear much about the dangers of sugar? Forty years ago, renowned physician John Yudkin

Sugar Sensitivity and Cravings – PODCAST
Sugar Sensitivity and Cravings – If sugar were put on the market for the first time today, it would be difficult to get it

4 R’s For Gut Brain Care PODCAST
Your digestion is important for absorption of nutrients, elimination of wastes and a vital component of our immune system. When things go wrong with

Biomarkers You Need to Know PODCAST
Biomarkers You Need to Know PODCAST. The next time you go for lab work, consider requesting these biomarkers that are often not ordered. They

Let Your Life Speak PODCAST
Let Your Life Speak PODCAST. Learning to ”Let Your life speak” means “living the life that wants to live in you.” It involves creating

Lab Testing for Better Health – PODCAST
Testing your blood gives you insight into the most important laboratory – your own body. Get baseline screening blood tests or decide to take

Have you heard about Nutrigenomics? In this episode of Dr Karen Health Talks, I explain how we are not victims of our genes. In

Have you heard about Lipoprotein A?
Lipoprotein(a) (also called Lp(a) or LPA) is a lipoprotein subclass. Genetic studies have identified Lp(a) as a risk factor for atherosclerotic diseases such as

Is Sugar Addiction Really A Problem?
In this episode I am talking about “Is Sugar Addiction Really A Problem?” Like addictive drugs, highly palatable foods rich in sugar, fat and

PODCAST – How Pets Help Your Health
Do you know how pets help your health? Our dogs are part of our family. Some might say a little “too much” since they

How to Attract Clients with Public Speaking
Public speaking is a powerful way to build your client base and build trust. However there is a whole “System” to put in place

How Our Eating Habits Can Impact Our Planet
I was in Mothers market this week and I found a RAW HUMMUS WRAP that has this on the container “Adopting a plant-based diet

Dr Karen Health Talks Podcast – How to Make Fermented Foods 101
Fermented foods have a lot of health benefits. They are rich in enzymes, which help speed up digestion and absorption in our system. They are also rich in good bacteria, specifically lactobacillus acidophilus, which is an extremely beneficial flora found in the gut.

Constipation 101
We are not really taught about the importance of the gut and whether your digestive system is working properly. Some people have been constipated

How To Survive the Holiday Party Menu
The holidays are upon us and we have parties and food everywhere! My brand new Dr Karen Health Talk Radio Show is all about

The Gift of My Divine Discontent
An interview with the National Wellness Institute where we discuss how my Divine Discontent led me to be a change maker in the state

What Are Autoimmune Conditions?
Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and MS, affect more than 250 million people worldwide. In the United States, they are the 3rd

Sugar Detox Series PODCAST – PART 3
In this third PODCAST on the Sugar Detox Series, there is a great conversation about low glycemic recipes and meal plans. Once you remove

Sugar Detox Series PODCAST – PART 2
Is sugar addictive? A study published is the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that higher sugar, higher glycemic foods can be addictive. If

Sugar Detox Series PODCAST – PART 1
Sugar is fattening! When you consume excess sugar that your body can’t use it is then turned into fat by the body. Sugar can

10 Things You Need To Know to Keep Your Gut Happy and Healthy
Whether we realize it or not, every one of us has an individually unique microbial eco-system in and on us, a “microbiome,” which is

5 Ways to Boost Your Brain through Your Gut – PODCAST
A healthy gut is needed for a healthy brain. Your brain’s health is dictated by what goes on in your gut. What’s taking place
Two Weight Loss Secrets You Don’t Hear
With all the diets available, I have found that getting healthy is the key to losing weight and there are two key weight loss