Did You Know Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny?

Did you know your genes are not your destiny? I made a short video about the new science of “epigenetics” (or “above the genes”) . Epigenetics indicates that that our lifestyle exerts a profound influence over which of our genes will be turned on (expressed) or turned off (suppressed) through our day. Our ongoing diet, […]

How Owning A Pet Can Improve Your Overall Health – PART 2

Pets can improve your emotional health. They give unconditional love and are always happy to see you. They shower you with love and attention. This is PART 2 in a series on How Owning A Pet Can Improve Your Overall Health CLICK HERE for PART 1 Knowing that you have someone who loves you at […]


Did you know that 80% of disease symptoms are caused by problems that begin in your mouth? Oral health is one of the most common questions that comes up in my community, and one of the most overlooked health issues in conventional and integrative medicine! Did you know that many health challenges actually BEGIN with […]

Be Your Own Health Detective PART 2

Whatever skin issues you might be manifesting almost always point to imbalances in your body as whole. Your skin reflects the health of your body and that’s great news when the body system is vibrant and running on all cylinders! But when the skin shows evidence of compromise due to skin eruptions, blemishes or  excessive […]

Mind and Modernity

An article in the Los Angeles Times today really got my attention. I am a supporter of “Lifestyle Medicine” and I saw this article that discussed how air pollution, Western Diet and digital screens may influence how are brains work. Do you think? To me, that is obvious. It seems researchers are exploring how all […]

What Are Autoimmune Conditions?

Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and MS, affect more than 250 million people worldwide. In the United States, they are the 3rd leading chronic disease behind cardiovascular disease and cancer. Based on twin studies, we now know that 25% of autoimmunity is genetics, and the other 75% is environmental.   Would you like […]

Dealing With Depression– Tips to Try

Recent years have seen a shocking increase in antidepressant use the world over, with 1 in 4 women starting their day with medication. These drugs have steadily become the panacea for everything from grief, irritability, panic attacks, to insomnia, PMS, and stress. But the truth is, what women really need can’t be found at a pharmacy.

Epigenetics 101

Epigenetics is the study of sections of our DNA (called “marks”) that tell our genes when and how strongly to express themselves