What Exactly Is CBD Oil ?

I get asked a lot about my opinions on CBD Oil. I had to research it myself because this is new to the medical and wellness world. I knew it had something to do with marijuana, but I needed to turn to my functional health community to really understand the science. Here are some TOP […]

How Owning A Pet Can Improve Your Overall Health – PART 3

PART 3 discusses how owning a pet improves your mental health. Pets get you out into the human world, help you work through mental afflictions, and, as you get older, help you stay cognitively sharp. Here is a short list of some of the ways owning a pet helps us be mentally sharper They make […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Brain through Your Gut – PODCAST

A healthy gut is needed for a healthy brain. Your brain’s health is dictated by what goes on in your gut. What’s taking place in your intestines affects not only your brain’s daily functions, but also determines your risk for a number of neurological conditions in the future. Listen to my recording to hear the […]

Chemical Cuisine-Your guide to food additives

Want to know more about  food additives? Worried about the safety of the list of unpronounceable additives on packaged foods in your supermarket? Is aspartame the safest artificial sweetener? Or is it sucralose? Which food coloring is made from the bodies of dried, pulverized insects? Is calcium stearoyl lactylate safe? Or are they all dangerous? […]